Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sacred Craft Surf Show Santa Cruz

WHO: Surfers, Shapers, Designers, Craftsman, Manufacturers
WHAT: Surfboards and the culture that flows from them.
WHEN: Saturday March 19 10am-6pm & Sunday March 20 10am-4pm
WHERE: Rittenhouse Building - Downtown Santa Cruz

WHY: Because surfers really only care about two things; waves and the equipment to ride them with.
HOW: $10 at the door includes SURFER Magazine subscription and door prizes including surfboards...
It is all about the surfboard; has always been about the surfboard. We at the SACRED CRAFT Consumer Surf Expo feel it is time to reassert that philosophy. To put the surfboard-and the modern-day kahunas who craft them-back at the forefront of surf culture. To place that influence, that importance, that responsibility, back in the hands of the artisans, surfers, and shapers who design our sacred crafts-and ultimately our future.

When you boil it right down, surfers only care about two things: Waves and the equipment to ride them with. Sacred Craft merges the two by organizing expositions that focus on surf equipment and situating the expos in coastal locations that offer waves nearby.

More than anything, Sacred Craft is a celebration of the surfboard. The philosophical icon of enduring youth. No other object stirs as much passion, as much stoke, and as much power.

When your company is associated with the Sacred Craft Surf Expo, it is associated with the passion, stoke and power of the surfboard and all of its ancillary trappings.


* Tribute to the Masters Shape-off honoring Doug Haut presented by US Blanks
* Collect-able surfboard 'Antique Road Show'
* Korduroy TV Short Films Presentation
* "Best of Show" Award
* Surfboard demo morning open to the public
* Surfers Playing Music for Surfers on the music stage
* Art Grotto featuring surfer artists and friends.

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