Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Aptos Field Fire Hazard Update and Encampment

For my Aptos neighbors who live anywhere close to Cabrillo College and enjoy walking there dogs in the field behind Vienna Woods. Here's the latest. The sheriff's went back to this encampment and checked ID's, told them they had to leave on Saturday November 7, 2009. Note to folks that park there cars on the street. I saw the guy with the beard, curly dark hair and back pack walking along Vienna looking into each car's front seat area a few Saturday's ago. He is one of the campers and is either walking or riding a new black 10 speed.


Halloween night some young boys were seen photographing graffiti left on a car on Vienna. They were heard yelling at a passing car not to tell. They broke a bunch of Halloween ceramic pumpkins and moved around a bunch of stuff on Danube. They ransacked a van as well and smashed pumpkins at another house. If you have kids that were out until 1:30 am I'd check there cellphones and see what kind of photo's are on them. There is a iTunes reward out for them if they are caught! NOT COOL.

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