Friday, September 24, 2010

On line marketing 101 in Santa Cruz

To start out with I never considered myself a social media marketing person so to speak. I totally believe in it and keep my business and my clients on-line and keep brand message and imagery clean and simple. These days it takes more than just having a business card, website and a store front to be competitive in business. Small business owners need to market themselves on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Flickr and other social media to tune in and make a presence. I truly believe they work. It takes some TLC and patience. I try and set clients up and show them how to do it. It is so important to keep current to the new way of marketing. I use to mainly design ad's, and logos for clients. Now I might design a twitter page, wordpress page, Blogger page, FB logo icon jpg it all ties in to branding and keeping your name on top.

Linkedin for business only relationships and networking.
Facebook for business creating weekly info that keeps you in contact with people interested in your brand. Let them know what is up and create interesting stories or keep dialog focused on what your contacts are interested.
Twitter for business can be as simple as letting people know the newest freshest inventory, new colors, new product. Keep things interesting. It's not all about selling and beating folks over the head with sales.
Flickr allows you to show photos of events, product, imagery that can promote and reflect your brand.

If you have a business in Santa Cruz I highly recommend you join Santa Cruz Think Local First support your local business owner and in turn it all comes around.

Most current portfolio

831-688-2972 office/fax

I can be found occasionally at.
NextSpace Member
101 Cooper Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Downtown Santa Cruz

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